Ant-Man and the Quantum realm

Fato Nugros
7 min readApr 24, 2023


Dear readers, this time I will discuss the quantum world from the movie Ant-man.

But frankly this might be a complicated discussion, so read carefully. (at least it’s complicated enough for me ha ha ha)

Because I will discuss the most complicated study in the history of science.

Namely Quantum Physics.

Quantum physics is the highest level of physics that studies the world of subatomic particles. Or in Marvel’s world known as “Quantum realm”. This is a world that is hard to explain with normal logic because the scientists themselves find it odd. In other words, this is the “Unseen World”.

So guys, this discussion is quite heavy, not easy to understand, but very interesting to discuss. Because quantum physics is considered a meeting point between Quantum Physics and Spiritual Mine.

So guys, prepare your brains and your faith because you will read a study that might drive you crazy hahaha..

Okay, before that I’ll tell you a little about the film Ant-man so that you understand the context when we talk about quantum.

In the Ant-man story. Hank Pym or Dr. Pym is a scientist who creates pym particles, particles that can shrink an object. Because of that Ant-man can shrink to the size of an ant. Actually not limited to the size of the ant. Ant-man can change to any size. By changing the regulator settings on the belt.

But if you still remember, Dr.pym forbade Scott to change the regulator settings, because he might change to subatomic size.

And sure enough it happened, when Ant-man had trouble fighting his enemy (Yellowjacket) he was forced to change his regulatory settings and shrink smaller than a molecule. The Yellowjacket also lost. But Ant-man could no longer grow and instead continued to shrink down to the subatomic level.

This is where Scott first saw the quantum realm, fortunately because Scott had already messed with the regulator he had a way to go back.

Okay now I will discuss the science side.

Previously I would tell about Dr. Spiros Michalakis. He is a quantum physicist from the California Institute of Technology or commonly called Caltex, what you need to know is that he is a consultant for the film Ant-man.

So all the scientific scenarios in the Ant-man film, from the concept of pym particles to the quantum realm, are the result of Marvel’s discussions with Doctor Spiros. So you could say Doctor Spiros is Dr. Pym real version. Doctor Spiros works at the Institute of Quantum Information and meter. The Caltex division which is the center of study of all phenomena related to quantum physics.

In other words, this institute examines the world in Ant-man known as the “Quantum Realm”.

And interestingly Dr. Spiros is not only a consultant for the film Ant-man, but also a consultant for Google.

What does Google have to do with Quantum?

Google is currently developing “Quantum Computing”, a computer that works on the quantum principle. This is a future computer that is said to be able to solve the most difficult math problems which, if using an ordinary computer, take up to thousands of years. But a quantum computer can do it in just a few minutes.

How can it be like that ? I will discuss later, what is certain is that this has something to do with strange phenomena in quantum physics. But the point is that quantum physics or quantum mechanics is not an ordinary theory and it is not unique to Ant-man.

In fact, the world we see is actually also influenced by the quantum world. And in the end technology is increasingly leading to quantum technology.

Okay guys. So what is Quantum? The explanation is long.

But the first thing you should note is that the quantum world is the subatomic world or the world within the atom. We can see in the movie Ant-man. When Ant-man continues to shrink as if we see the world under a microscope that continues to magnify. We can see bacteria and viruses.

As an illustration, the size of a virus like Covid-19 is on the nanometer scale. The size of a nanometer is like a hair being split a hundred thousand times. Well, Ant-man kept getting smaller and thousands of times smaller than that until he met the atom. And shrink again until it enters it, then this is the subatomic level.

OK, so you guys understand why this subatomic level is called the quantum world?

Let’s talk about atoms first. And this is interesting because it has something to do with the shrinking of the Ant-men themselves.

“When I took this company from Dr. Pym. I started researching particles that could change atomic distances.” This is one of the dialogues in the Ant-men movie.

Okay, note first this “changing atomic distances” later there are things that will surprise you.

At school, we have been told that atoms are the elements that make up nature. If you are familiar with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, basically everything on the periodic table is the names of the atoms. It is from these elements that everything on this earth is composed. If we go deeper into the atom itself, each atom itself is composed of even smaller components, inside which are electrons, protons and neutrons. They are called subatomic particles.

Okay, so far, maybe you guys still understand. But there are things you don’t know about atoms and maybe these weren’t taught at school.

What you have seen so far is an illustration of an atom or an atomic model, the simplest representation of what scientists have reconstructed after examining atoms. What is rarely told about this model of the atom is that the actual distance between the electron and the atomic nucleus is very, very… very far away, so that if you imagine that the atom is the size of a football field, the atomic nucleus is the size of a pea in the middle of a stadium. While the electrons will be as big as grains of salt rotating on the side of the stadium.

that means atoms…

99.9% EMPTY.

So if this world is composed of atoms then this world is almost completely empty.

So you guys are not different from ghosts.

Yes, of course you ask..

If the atom is empty, why does this world feel solid? Touchable? palpable?

All objects in this world feel solid not because atoms are solid but because of the electromagnetic force generated by electrons.

So when we hold an object we can just penetrate it. But this cannot be done because the electrons in our hands exert an electromagnetic force on the electrons on the surface of the object which makes the atoms unable to penetrate one another. That’s the Solid sensation we feel.

It doesn’t make sense but yes that is the consequence if you enter into subatomic studies.

Later you will be even more surprised when you enter the quantum theory.

But I will still focus on the Ant-man story first, that is the concept taken by the fictional story Ant-man. That the pym particles created by Dr. Pym can adjust the distance inside the atom that was very far away.

Is there really such a particle?

For the time being I will not focus on discussing it. Because this atomic and quantum problem is very, very complex.

But what is important for you to know is that the study of atoms gave birth to three branches of knowledge:

  • Nuclear physics
  • Particle physics
  • Quantum Physics

Nuclear physics only deals with the atomic nucleus. So here you have to understand that nuclear doesn’t mean bomb. Nuclear is taken from the word Nucleus which means the atomic nucleus in which there are protons and neutrons.

The results of this study on nuclear physics, one of which produced nuclear bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, but that was only an application in the military world, in the field of energy, nuclear physics was applied to build nuclear power plants. There are also those that are applied in the medical world such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Including the reactor in Tony Stark’s chest and even then the application of nuclear physics.

Well then the second, particle physics.

It specifically examines subatomic particles because particles are not just protons and neutrons, but more than 200 types of particles have been found, including one that once shocked the world, namely the ‘God Particle’. So, if you want to discuss the Pym particle, it’s included in this study.

Finally, Quantum Physics. Discusses the laws that apply in the subatomic world. So this is the focus of our discussion now.

But sorry friends, because our discussion is still long. And this quantum discussion is very complicated, I will continue in part 2,

But.. only if this article gets at least 300 claps and at least 5 people reading and commenting.

If I can get 300 claps in part 2 I will discuss crazy things related to quantum physics including Marvel’s multiverse concept because even this cannot be separated from the study of quantum physics. So if you notice that Marvel can’t tell Multivers before introducing the quantum world through Ant-man.

At least in part 1 you know the original story.

Okey guys, thank you for wanting to read my article this time. I look forward to the development of this article. And if it is what I expected, then we will continue the discussion in part 2.

Thank you very much guys.



Fato Nugros

Just an ordinary person who love to write. And try to have better life by writing. Your support is my dream