Goa Gong Pacitan: A Hidden Gem of Indonesia’s Underground Beauty.

Fato Nugros
3 min readApr 25, 2023


Indonesia is known for its stunning natural landscapes, from pristine beaches to lush forests and breathtaking volcanoes. However, one of the country’s most overlooked treasures lies beneath the surface. Goa Gong Pacitan, located in East Java, is a cave system that boasts some of the most awe-inspiring underground formations in the world.

The cave system is known for its crystal-clear stalactites and stalagmites, underground rivers, and serene pools. The natural beauty of the cave is simply breathtaking, with a stunning array of colors and shapes that are sure to leave any visitor in awe.

One of the most remarkable features of Goa Gong Pacitan is its acoustics. The cave is renowned for its incredible natural echo, which is said to be so clear that visitors can hear the sound of their own heartbeat. Visitors are often treated to live music performances that take advantage of the cave’s incredible natural acoustics.

To reach the cave, visitors must first navigate a steep and winding path through the forest. Once inside the cave, they will be treated to a wonderland of underground formations, including towering stalagmites, delicate stalactites, and shimmering crystal curtains.

While exploring the cave, visitors can also take a dip in one of the underground pools, which are believed to have healing properties. The pools are fed by natural springs and have a constant temperature of around 25 degrees Celsius.

However, before embarking on the journey to Goa Gong Pacitan, visitors should keep in mind a few things. It’s important to wear comfortable shoes and clothing that can absorb sweat and bring adequate lighting, as the path to the cave can be quite challenging. Additionally, visitors should be accompanied by an experienced guide to ensure their safety.

Visitors should also be careful not to touch or damage the cave’s stalactite and stalagmite formations. These natural formations take a very long time to form, and damage caused by humans can destroy the cave’s beauty, which is its main attraction.

Lastly, visitors should keep the environment clean and preserve the surrounding ecosystem. All garbage should be brought back and not littered in the cave.

In conclusion, Goa Gong Pacitan is a must-visit destination for travelers seeking a unique and unforgettable experience. Its breathtaking crystal cave formations, underground rivers, and serene pools will leave visitors in awe. However, before embarking on the journey, visitors should prioritize safety, respect the cave’s natural beauty, and prepare the right gear for a comfortable and memorable journey. Don’t forget to bring your camera or smartphone to capture the stunning views and share them with others!

thanks for reading!



Fato Nugros

Just an ordinary person who love to write. And try to have better life by writing. Your support is my dream https://ko-fi.com/nugrohofato3951