Indonesian friendly culture

Fato Nugros
2 min readApr 18, 2023
Photo by prananta haroun on Unsplash

Indonesia is known for its friendly and smiling people. This is a cultural characteristic that is deeply ingrained in the Indonesian society. Being friendly and smiling is not only a way of showing respect and politeness, but also a way of building social relationships and expanding networks of friendship, which ultimately creates a better social environment.

However, despite the fact that the friendly and smiling culture in Indonesia has been known for a long time, we are now facing various challenges that affect the way we interact with each other. Technological advancements and modernization sometimes make people more individualistic and less concerned about others. Therefore, efforts are needed to maintain and strengthen the friendly and smiling culture in Indonesia, so that it is not eroded by the times.

Photo by krisna azie on Unsplash

One way to strengthen the friendly and smiling culture in Indonesia is by introducing it as part of national identity. This can be done through education, social media, and campaigns that emphasize the importance of polite and friendly behavior in interacting with others.

In addition, there needs to be awareness and commitment from the Indonesian people to maintain and strengthen this friendly and smiling culture. Every individual can start by applying polite and friendly behavior in daily life, whether it’s in interactions with family, friends, or strangers.

To strengthen the friendly and smiling culture in Indonesia, we can also learn from other countries that have similar cultural values. For example, Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, and Thailand are also known for their friendly and polite behavior in interacting with others. We can learn from them about the cultural values that influence the attitudes and behavior of their society.

Overall, the friendly and smiling culture is one of the cultural treasures of Indonesia that deserves to be preserved and maintained. This not only strengthens social relationships between individuals, but also strengthens Indonesia’s national identity in the eyes of the world. Therefore, there needs to be awareness and commitment from the entire Indonesian society to maintain and strengthen the friendly and smiling culture as one of Indonesia’s valuable cultural heritages.

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Fato Nugros

Just an ordinary person who love to write. And try to have better life by writing. Your support is my dream