The Gunung Padang

oldest site on earth

Fato Nugros
4 min readApr 19, 2023

Oldest site on earth?


You didn’t read it wrong.

Maybe many of you have never heard of it. This time I will write about the site.

This is quite a shocking discovery in Indonesia that maybe the news hasn’t reached the world.

The site was first discovered by a Dutch researcher named Nicolaas Johannes Krom in 1914. The megalithic cultural heritage site is located in a village called Karyamukti, a village in the city of Cianjuar, West Java, Indonesia.

It is known that the site was built around 500–220 BC. By adherents of the megalithic tradition. In fact, the structures that are still buried underground are estimated to be much older, namely 8000 BC.

Many people associate the Gunung Padang site with pyramid structures found from other countries such as Egypt. However, according to an archaeologist from West Java, Dr. Lutfi Yondri made it clear that the Gunung Padang site is not a pyramid site.

Various researches are still being carried out to find the latest scientific facts to reveal what is really behind this Gunung Padang site.

And from these various studies, some facts may be obtained that you should know;

First, the largest megalithic site in the world.

The Gunung Padang site has an area of ​​900 square meters on the surface, which is the main complex of this site. Most of it is in the form of natural volcanic rocks which are rectangular in shape and arranged in layers which are called stepped fundens. Gunung Padang is also touted as a megalithic site which has the largest staircase in Southeast Asia and even in the world.

Second, the oldest site in the world.

From the results of research conducted by researchers from within and outside the country found the facts proving that the Gunung Padang site is very old and there is even the possibility that it will become the oldest civilization relic on earth. This is supported by the results of carbon testing on samples obtained from various points. The United States’ national atomic energy agency, located in Miami, has released the results of carbon tests on coring samples at a number of points, the results show that the Gunung Padang site is 11,000 years older. Even more surprising are the findings at depths of 5–12 meters which suggest that this site is older than 25,000 BC.

Third, it is 3 times bigger than Borobudur Temple.

Based on the findings that have been obtained by the researchers, it is strongly suspected that under the surface area of ​​900 square meters there is a buried structure that is much larger in size. A parahistoric researcher from the University of Indonesia who is also the head of Dr. Ali Akbar’s research, said that if excavations were carried out at the Gunung Padang site, it was very likely that they would find three times the size of Borobudur Temple. When viewed from the total area of ​​the Borobudur Temple complex which is only 1.5 hectares, the Gunung Padang site can even be up to 10 times larger with a total of 15 hectares of the complex.

Last, but not least.

Civilization with the highest technology at that time.

Various research results show that the architects of the Gunung Padang Megalithic site building had the most advanced technology of their time. Judging from their age, which reached 25,000 years, it can be said that this site is the oldest with the most advanced technology. We can imagine a building that was built on a hill with a height reaching 885 meters above sea level. The building was built by piling up and arranging large, square-shaped stones in such a way that it became a building with a complex terraced design.

This of course requires mathematical calculations and proper design. If it is done today, we will need computers, heavy equipment, and reliable architects and other supporting technologies. Whereas they already did 25,000 years ago.

So, those are some things that I can say in my article this time about a human civilization in the past, in this case, the Gunung Padang site.

In fact, there are still a lot of facts out there. However, I only wrote down my knowledge and from several sources such as Wikipedia.

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Fato Nugros

Just an ordinary person who love to write. And try to have better life by writing. Your support is my dream